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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


Five Simple Ways: Avoid GMOs

Five Simple Ways: Avoid GMOs
Great article from one of my favorites resources.

Crazy but true - we have been eating these things for a while now - unknowingly. Disturbing how widely accepted GMO grains and veggies are by the food industry - no questions asked!! 

Well, I am asking questions. Why are we seeing a huge increase in behavioral disorders in children, metabolic syndromes in adults and severe allergic reactions to many foods on the market??? 

Keep an eye out and protect yourselves from the future of food - non-real food, genetically altered staples and mysterious ingredients.


India halts HPV vaccine trial after six girls die, US does nothing in response to 67 deaths and counting

The US is not taking care of its own people!!!

Why would we as a nation let the drug companies take over our healthcare when this is what they do to our children??

In the name of "preventative medicine" the HPV vaccine, that is being forced on our girls in some states (ie. Texas), is meant to prevent a virus that may cause precancerous lesions if left undetected. The intention is all well and good, but the outcome is HORRIBLE. Paralysis, mental disfunction and destruction of their quality of life is the price this vaccines victims are paying.

The FDA let this one get through without proper trials and studies. It is just another rush through the system in the name of medicine.

The side effects of this drug are numerous and dangerous. I highly recommend teaching your children about safe sex and why - that is the best preventative medicine. Keep an open discussion about sex in your home, avoiding the possibility of getting the HPV virus in the first place. This should be a priority for parents in our country. A shot should never replace good sound parenting, and in this case, that is exactly what is happening.

*See more details about Giardasil in this article by Natural News:

India halts HPV vaccine trial after six girls die, US does nothing in response to 67 deaths and counting


Examining the Properties of Chocolate and Cacao for Health

An excellent article by one of my favorite sources for all things health related - Natural News
Examining the Properties of Chocolate and Cacao for Health

Chocolate, in a pure form is actually really good for you. The alkalines and anitoxidants are beneficial to your health in many ways.