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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


My New Writing Adventure - local health examiner

Heavy metals are being churned-up by the removal of local dams on the Rogue River.
The health of our local rivers dearly affects our lives, more so than many people typically think about. It is up to the many devoted non-profit river watch organizations in this country to keep a watchful eye on the health of our countries rivers. 

In Southern Oregon the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has helped the local counties remove 3 decrepit dams from the Rogue River in the past 3 years.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Rogue River - Heavy Metals are Being Churned Up From Dam Removals - Medford Alternative Medicine | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/alternative-medicine-in-medford/rogue-river-heavy-metals-are-being-churned-up-from-dam-removals#ixzz1TflH94o7


Detox Naturally

Drink in lots of water. Water is among the most abundant substances found in nature that will assist in the detoxification of the body. Water flows through the body in the blood line and systema lymphaticum and gathers up toxins as it passes across the kidneys and out of the body as urine. The greater the intake of water, the better our body is able to clean itself from adverse compounds.
Cut down the ingestion of chemicals that hurt the body and inhibit self-repair. The body has a lot of mechanisms that work to protect the body from injury. These systems include the respiratory system, gi, urinary, lymphatic and the skin and cuticular layer. Each of these systems of rules has a certain elimination mechanism that keeps the body clear of adverse substances.
Step-up your intake of foods that allow for detoxifying compounds. Raw detoxifying foods and spices will assist in the cleansing of the body. Garlic, coriander, echinacea, ginger and parsley leaf all clean our bodies. You are able to easily incorporate these spices in your general cooking. Fresh fruits are good detoxifiers, provided you consume them by themselves and not in combination with additional foods. Fresh green and red veggies are good for detoxifying.
Utilize products that bear only natural herbs, fresh fruits and veggies to clean each part of the body. Most importantly, lots of water is called for to clean each system. If what you place in your body is low in contaminants and chemicals then it will pull those that are hived away in your body out and carry them off as the water passes through.


Busy Business Man's No-Workout Workout - Workplace Wellness

Busy Business Man's No-Workout Workout - Workplace Wellness

Good to know info. It is always helpful when we can tone up at the work place. I know I often feel like jelly at the end of a long day :-)