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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


Lumbago - Lower back pain can be eased with use of Homeopathics

See the complete article here.


Herbal benefits of culinary herbs

Click on the title to see what I posted on my Gather site.


Micro-nutrients : Vitamins

Micro-nutrients: Vitamins

There are 2 types of vitamins - fat soluble and water soluble.
The way they dissolve makes a difference in how they are digested by your body and assimilated into your tissues to be stored or eliminated.

Vitamins A,D.E.K and F are fat soluble, whereas all the vitamins in the B group, C and P are water soluble.

It is ideal to gain these nutrients from your food and your natural intestinal flora. Following a whole-food and organic diet when possible is a challenge, but well worth the efforts.

Creating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables (the main source of micronutrients) is not a hard task, it just takes a little focus when you are shopping, cooking and snacking. Focusing your efforts on something important to you in all areas of your life is not hard, it is just a matter of will. If you WILL to have a healthy diet, then it WILL happen.

We have many factors in our world today that effect our environment, which in turn effects our food supply and our quality of air and water. This makes it extremely difficult to keep a completely healthy profile.

Building a strong immune system is a main goal of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Ensuring that you have an adequate daily intake of vitamins is just one part of attaining this goal.

To the average person leading a busy lifestyle in our modern world it is difficult to get all we need from our food. So supplements may be necessary.

This introduction is meant to begin a 4-part series of monologues on micro-nutrients.

1. Vitamins
2. Minerals
3. Anti-oxidants
4. Probiotics

I will be using the USDA's Recommended Daily Allowance for each monologue.
The RDA is a reference point for most healthy individuals to sustain optimum daily requirements of micro-nutrients. Deficiencies and disease are not accounted for. A personal assessment is always appropriate when considering any dietary supplementation.


Welcome to my health endeavor

I plan to maintain this blog sharing my knowledge of holistic health. This includes your mind, your body, and your soul. Every part of your life is connected to one of these areas. To live a full, and fulfilling life, you need to focus on all of these aspects. I want to help with this journey in every way that I am capable.

I am a holistic health practitioner, holistic nutritionist, herbal healer, homeopath and lifestyle counselor.

My promise:
I will attempt to understand what I read, process what I know, and reveal what is known in the health industry.