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“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


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Natural Standard Blog - noted Authority on Integrative Medicine

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Keeping healthy during this wonderful flu season:

Stay Home If You're Sick
It is just good sense to stay home from work or school when you're sick, to prevent the spread of contagions.

Keep Your Hands Clean
Washing your hands frequently, especially before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, or using the bathroom. Make sure to use warm water and soap, and lather up for 20 seconds!

Cover Your Nose and Mouth When Coughing or Sneezing
Avoid spreading cold and flu germs to others by coughing or sneezing into a tissue. If none is available, don't cough or sneeze into your hands! Instead, turn your head away from nearby people and, if necessary, aim for your shoulder or elbow.

Don't Touch Your Eyes, Nose, or Mouth
Cold and flu viruses are actually transferred through the eyes, nose and mouth. Try to keep your hands away from your face as much as you reasonably can.

Gargle with salt water
The flu virus in particular tends to anchor in the back of the throat and festers there. Gargling with a mix of sea salt, if you have it, and tepid water several times a day at the first sign of sickness, will possibly prevent a full-blown case. And while you are sick, it helps to clean out the germs, to aid in quick healing.

Get Plenty of Rest
Getting plenty of rest gives your white blood cells the time they need to do their job. The best cure to any oncoming illness is to REST as much as possible, the body will heal itself.

Avoid Unnecessary Close Contact
It's an unfortunate fact that a person can spread flu germs a full day before exhibiting symptoms, and then up to five days after that. Steer clear of those with flu-like symptoms - they'll understand. And if you're sick, avoid close contact with others.

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables
Eating right is always important, but particularly during cold and flu season. The vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables can boost your body's immune system.

Get Fresh Air and Exercise
Fresh air in the lungs will clear out any potential germs that you have come in contact with. If you work in an enclosed environment, take "air breaks." Try not to chill yourself too much, this can make your body work over time to regulate temperature, when it should be reserving energy to stay healthy or fight sickness if needed.



Know Your Fats Article


Please read this article I found it doing some research for an article I am writing.

Trans fats = BAD
lauric acid = GOOD

Cookies such as macaroons, if made with desiccated coconut, are good sources of lauric acid, supplying as much as 6 grams of lauric acid per macaroon
Publish Post

Health Benefits of Goji Berry Juice

Article published at Live Strong website
Unfortunately there was no credit given due to a glitch in the system...

Eastern Wisdom Health Basics

My article published at Live Strong website
Unfortunately no credit was given on a few articles with this publisher due to some glitch in the system...

Herbal Benefits of Culinary Herbs

My article published at Holistic Junction website


The Potentially Adverse Effects of Prescription Drugs

Courtesy of:

Discovering dangers of prescription drugs after they have been marketed to the medical community and public is common. Generally, 51% of FDA-approved drugs have serious adverse effects not detected prior to approval.1 Each year prescription drugs injure 1.5 million people so severely they require hospitalization. In addition, prescription drugs cause 100,000 deaths annually.2 With these numbers, how can the public be protected from dangerous drugs?

A recent study in JAMA examined the incidence of serious and fatal adverse drug reactions (ADR) in hospital patients. An ADR is any harmful, unintended, or undesired effect of a drug. This definition does not include drug abuse nor intentional or accidental drug overdose.2 The results of this study were conclusive: the rate of severe and deadly adverse drug reactions in U.S. hospitals was found to be extremely high—high enough that ADRs ranked fourth, after heart disease, cancer, and stroke, as a leading cause of death in the U.S.2

Despite FDA attempts to incorporate various drug safety measures prior to approving prescription drugs, they often overlook potentially dangerous effects. The use of prescription drugs is often crucial; however, in order to avoid potentially harmful side effects and drug-interactions, natural remedies should be incorporated whenever possible. Herbal therapies and nutritional supplements may support the relief of many health problems without the harmful effects of prescription drugs.


Feel Good Hot Totty

1 TB manuka honey (the “healing honey” from new Zealand) or any local honey
1 TB lemon or orange juice
2 shots extra strong “Echinacea blend” tea (found in previous post)
2 droppers of Echinacea tincture added to 2 shots of boiling water

* optional ingredient
1 shot of bourbon or sipping whiskey

More Echinacea Please....

Biological Name:
Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea Pallida L.

Other Names:
Narrow-leaved purple coneflower, Sampson root, Black Sampson, Red sunflower, Echinacea Sacred Plant (by Native Americans), Purple coneflower

Parts commonly Used:
roots and leaves

Alterative, antiseptic, tonic, depurative, maturating, febrifuge and is a general stimulant to the immune system

Common uses:
Canker sores (mouth ulcers)
Common cold/sore throat
Crohn's disease
Gingivitis (periodontal disease)
Immune function
Influenza (flu)
Recurrent ear infection
Yeast infection

Active Compounds:
Echinacea purpurea contains iron, iodine, copper, potassium, sulphur, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. Echinacea purpurea also contains polysaccharides, resembling bacteria, which motivate the healthy white blood cells attack bacterial invaders. Echinacea purpurea offers the body an overall feeling of well being, and for this reason studies of Echinacea continue today.

Description of Plant:
Echinacea is a perennial wildflower native to North America. While it continues to grow and is harvested from the wild, the majority of that used for herbal supplements is from cultivated plants.
The root or aboveground part of the plant during the flowering growth phase is used medicinally.
Coneflower gets its common name from the arrangement of a conical disk made up of numerous purple, tubular florets that resemble a pinecone.

Where Found:
E. angustifolia is found in prairies. Texas, western Oklahoma, western Kansas, Nebraska, west to east Colorado, eastern Montans, North Dakota, Man. and Sask. Canada.

E. Pallida is found in the prairies and glades of Arkansas to Wisconsin, Minnesota, eastern Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska.

E. Purpurea is found in open woods, thickets; cultivated in gardens. -Michigan, Ohio to Louisiana, eastern Texas, Oklahoma and much of the Southwest.

All three varieties are equal in their effects, but the Angustifolia has longer tap root than the others (6-20 in.) and Purpurea has oval coarsely toothed leaves, flatter (less cone-shaped) disk, and orange-tipped bristles on the flower heads.
The distinctive daisy-like flower features 12 to 20 large, spreading rays ranging from white to purplish pink to dull-purple; they can be up to 6-inches across.

You can easily grow or harvest your own Echinacea, it is a very common garden flower, especially in the Midwest. The sturdy, bristly stems are 2-5 ft tall and bear hairy dark green leaves. Thrives in full sun throughout the year, and flowering time is June to October. The plant needs full sun and deep, light loamy soil and does best with 2 or 3 applications of balanced fertilizer during the growing season; but it will grow in poor soil. Can be heat tolerant and drought resistant. It's a good idea to mark the location of seedlings the first few years, since the plant dies back to the ground in the winter. Set out in the spring, spaced 1-1/2 ft apart. Plants from seed will take 2-3 years to flower.
For medicinal purposes, you will need to wait three years before you use the root. You can use the leaves and flowers sooner, but the root is the most potent part of the plant.

What Makes It Work?

Echinacea works with the body's own defense mechanisms. Echinacea contains a substance known as polysaccharide. In some studies, this has been known to destroy tumor cells. Research is currently being conducted on Echinacea to determine its use as an immune booster, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent.

The polysaccharides called Echinacins, bind to cells and prevent pathogens from invading. By protecting cells and preventing their breakdown, they fight the spread of pathogens and reduce inflammation.
Echinacin also improves immune function, this happens by recognizing an invading pathogen, our native interferon production - .an important part of the body's response to viral infections such as colds and flu. The immune cells takeover the pathogen before it can develop into something that will make you ill.

The natural antibiotics in echinacea seem to neutralize the production of hyaluronidase, an enzyme secreted by germs that enables them to penetrate body tissue and cause infections. Thus, Echinacea helps prevent germs from invading body cells, assists healing, and increases the effectiveness of white blood cells. Echinacea has been found to help reduce the inflammation of arthritus. Many herbalists use Echinacea as a blood purifier. Echinacea also seems to stimulate the flow of saliva and aid in the digestion of starches.

Historical Notes:

In the past the root was used much like an antibiotic.
Echinacea was a traditional remedy of the Native American Indians in the Great Plains, where it grows wild. The Cheyenne, Comanche, and other tribes used it for many ailments, including toothaches, sore throats, tonsillitis, coughs, and blood and lymphatic diseases.
Traditionally, Echinacea was used to help heal insect bites, diphtheria, carbuncles, acne, eczema, boils, peritonitis, typhoid, blood poisoning, bites and stings of poisonous insects or snakes, erysipelas, and diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilic conditions that affect the body's immune system; in addition to gangrenous conditions, diphtheria, tonsillitis, sores, infections and wounds.

A lay doctor, H. C. F. Meyer, "re-discovered" Echinacea in the 1870s, and within 20 years it became the most popular herb of the era. Dr. Meyer was so confident in his claims that he offered to "allow himself to be bitten by several rattlesnakes to prove the truth of his claims. Meyer claimed to know of over 600 cases in which his remedy had not failed to cure rattlesnake bites." (Echinacea: Nature's Immune Enhancer, Stephen Foster, 1991)

It was formally introduced into US. medical practice in 1887, but Modern scientific research didn’t start until the 1930s in Germany. Since it has been in continuous use for treating arthritis (both chronic and acute), certain cancers, and a variety of viral diseases. And it has been used throughout Europe in many combinations for basic immune system enhancement for most of the last century.

Current Treatments:

Common Cold: Echinacea is very popular for the treatment of common cold. Echinacea seems to work well in conjunction with vitamin C to ward off colds . It has been found effective in getting people back to health quickly as well as delaying getting other infections. Patients with weakened immune system have been found to be the most benefited from this herb.

Snake Bite: Echinacea had been used by American Indians as a remedy for snakebites. Echinacea is believed to inhibit hyaluronidase, a component of snake venom.

Wound Healing: Echinacea was found effective for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions such as abscesses, foliculitis, wounds of all kinds, eczema, burns, herpes, and varicose ulcers of the leg.

Arthritis: Echinacea's anti-inflammatory activity helps alleviate rheumatoid arthritis.

Cancer: Echinacea is used to offset the depression of white cells during radiation and chemotherapy for cancer patients. Many clinical tests have shown that Echinacea stabilized the white blood cells in patients undergoing cancer treatment, whereas, the patients not receiving Echinacea had shown a continued decline in the white blood cells.

AIDS: Echinacea had been used to treat infections for many things., now there are some anecdotal reports of using Echinacea for, more research needs to be done in that area before any conclusions can be reached by the scientific community.

Infections: Echinacea enhances the body's immune system. It has been shown effective for treating conditions such as influenza, colds, upper respiratory tract infections, urogenital infections, and other infectious conditions.


Echinacea Monologue

Now that it is getting chillier, and there is a nasty flu going around the world this year, it is a good time to start using Echinacea.

If you catch the beginning stages of a sore throat, a cold, the flu, or an upper respiratory infection, Echinacea can help before it gets too far. Combining it with other herbs like Goldenseal, Osha, Usnea, and Calendula can help – and don’t forget your 'kitchen herbs' such as lemon, ginger, garlic, rosemary, horseradish and cayenne. Get some rest, drink hot tea and soups, and cut down on dairy products – they create more phlegm.

Echinacea helps to prevent colds and flu when everyone around you seems to be sick. You can take as needed during the winter to keep your immune system strong - best if combined with regular routine of Vitamin C and Zinc.

Even if you don't start taking Echinacea at the first sign of illness, this herb can shorten the severity and duration of many common illnesses. By taking the herb you can decrease the amount of time you suffer, and rid your body of the germs and sick bodily fluids quickly.

Read the literature available to you, and most importantly, if you're really sick, go to a doctor or licensed practitioner, You should never self medicate if you don’t know what you are doing, and if you think you have something more serious than the cold or flu. Evaluate your symptoms on a regular basis. If your symptoms remain after a week or so, your condition may be more complex may require other herbs or treatment programs by your physician.

After you start feeling better, don't stop taking Echinacea, gradually decrease your dosage over several days.


As an immune system stimulant, Echinacea is best taken for a specific period of time. At the onset of a cold, it can be taken three to four times per day for ten to fourteen days. To prevent a cold, many people take Echinacea tablets or capsules three times per day for six to eight weeks. A "rest" period is recommended after this, as Echinacea’s effects may diminish if used longer. If preferred, powdered Echinacea, in about 900 mg amounts, can be taken. Liquid extracts are typically taken as 3-4 ml, three times per day.
Dried root: (or as tea): 1-2 grams
Freeze dried plant: 325-650 milligrams
Tincture: A 1992 German study showed that 180 drops of an Echinacea root extract significantly reduced the severity and duration of flu-like infections, "whereas 90 drops was no more effective than a placebo." (Herbalgram #30 supplement, 1992)

Follow label instructions, be sure to take enough, and take it on a regular basis. The proper choice of herbs and consistency of your treatment plan is imperative to success with home remedies.


Tincture: Most potent form, can easily be made into teas, or mixed into beverages. Widely available in the US and Europe.

Dried powder: less potent, but very effective if fresh, and taking regularly. Can be bought at most health food stores and made into capsules. I use this form when making my own combination formulas.

Pre-made capsules: Usually the dried herb, and tightly regulated by the manufacturer for both potency and dosage. Read instructions carefully, not all pills are alike, and your regular dose of one brand, may not be for another.
* I have found that Nature Made now makes a gel capsule with an oil-based (vitamin E) tincture. This is a wonderful thing! This is also available in a Goldenseal/Echinacea combo. These offer a very convenient and potent option.

Topical: The topical use of Echinacea is widespread in Europe, but it is only slowly catching on here. It is thought to repair sun damaged skin, in addition to wounds and sores.
Echinacea creams and ointments are available at natural food stores, or you can make a poultice from powdered cosmetic clay and Echinacea tincture. Mix until it's clay-like, then apply it to boils, poison oak, insect bites, or sunburns.

Safety & Cautions:
Some say Echinacea should never be taken for more than a few days as it is an immune stimulant, not a tonic, and is not effective over long periods of time. But other researchers only caution against using for more than 8 weeks at a time, due to the fact that long term use may cause immune depression.
Echinacea is essentially nontoxic when taken orally. People should not take Echinacea without consulting a physician if they have an autoimmune illness, such as lupus, or other progressive diseases, such as tuberculosis or multiple sclerosis. It can be dangerous for people with weakened immune systems or chronic ailments,

There are no known contra-indications to the use of Echinacea during pregnancy or lactation.

Those who are allergic to flowers of the daisy family should take Echinacea with caution; it can cause allergic reactions in some people.

Buying Echinacea:

Freshness is the most important aspect of an herb. Store bought capsules can be quite old, minimizing their results, look for fresh root tincture in natural food stores, and pharmacies. Tinctures are a much more potent form of any herb, most are concentrated extracts in an alcohol base, but non-alcoholic is available . Keep in mind that these tinctures will not retain freshness very long, due to lack of preservation, the best form of a non-alcoholic tincture I have found is in a base of Reishi Mushroom broth – this fungi has a natural preservation quality in addition to added health benefits (another miracle of nature in itself!) When you buy dried root for homemade remedies (see the recipes later in this article), check its freshness by tasting a piece: it should leave a bitter and numbing sensation on your tongue.


Following are several recipes for remedies you can make at home.

Sore Throat Comfort
Mix 2 droppers of Echinacea tincture in 1/2 cup warm water. Gargle with it two or three times daily.
For a children's tonic, mix 1/2 dropper of tincture with grape or cranberry juice to improve the taste and provide some nutrients.
You can also add a little sea salt to the gargle for added cleansing power.

Echinacea blend Tea
Combine 4 TB of these ingredients in a non-metal container:
* Echinacea root
* Grated ginger root
Add 1 TB of these ingredients:
* Licorice root
* Orange/lemon peel or slices

The extra ingredients make this tea taste good, plus they have an added effect: ginger is an expectorant; licorice soothes your throat and the citrus is antiseptic, antibacterial, and rich in bioflavonoids which help boost your immune system.

- Steep as you would a normal tea with boiling water for 5-10 minutes in a covered pot.
- Drink 3 hot cups per day until your symptoms improve or anytime you want to boost your immune system.

Photo by
Ralf Pätzold, Berlin


The Art of Drying Herbs

A bumper crop of basil, lemon balm and savory is wonderful, but what you do with it after you bring it in is every bit as important as the harvest itself...

This is a great article from Mountain rose Herbs.com
[click on the title to read to whole thing]


Liver Health

Does our environment impact the liver? What is liver damage? What holistic protocols can help?

The main function of the liver is to metabolize substances in the blood to preparation for excretion. It has many other important functions, including synthesis of most essential proteins, production of bile, and regulation of nutrients such as glucose, cholesterol, and amino acids. The liver has over 500 known functions, too many to list here. Suprisingly you can do fairly well with only one-sixth of your liver functioning. If 50% of your liver were surgically removed, the liver would normally grow back to full size in about 3 months. What all this means is that it is often hard to find out if the liver is malfunctioning until the damage is extreme.

As the main detoxifying organ of the body the liver filters the unfortunate and substantial amounts of toxic substances in the food we eat, the city water we drink, the air we breathe, the gaseous toxins by many building materials, etc... The liver in most people needs a lot of help. Aside from detoxifying these external toxins, the liver also detoxifies excess hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc., partly digested proteins, ammonia from the breakdown of protein, and other toxins produced internally. In some cases the byproducts of normal function are themselves toxins; e.g., chemicals made in detoxifying alcohol consumed in large amounts and over a long time period can destroy the liver.

Environmental impacts on the liver's health can be exposure to toxins in our polluted industrial world - untamed waste products and rain water/river run off. The water we drink - added chlorine and fluoride plus any other toxins that may leach their way into the drinking water tables in the community. The quality of food we eat - with plenty of additives and preservatives, pesticides and herbicides. And more recently, genetically modified fruits and veggies that no body knows the true impact of yet.

Liver congestion is mainly caused by poor diet and exercise very prevalent in todays busy work place. These burdens can make fats build up in the liver tissues and clog the matrix of the organ, disabling it in moving fats into the blood stream.

Symptoms of congestion can include headaches, indigestion, tiredness, apathy, poor appetite, easy weight gain, and general muscle weakness.
Liver dysfunction has many causes besides the toxic foods we eat and the use of drugs, most of which tax the liver. Prolonged constipation is one major cause. Diets high in protein (such as meat, gluten, isolated soy protein, etc.) overwork the liver, as do fried foods, excess animal fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable fats (margarine, etc.), roasted nuts, tannic acid in tea, artificial sweeteners, refined sugars, alcohol, tobacco and deficiencies of B vitamins.

Liver damage (cirrhosis) can be caused by many factors - chronic alcohol consumption, heart failure, overeating, excess protein and carbohydrates in the diet . Causes can also include inherited diseases – such as cystic fibrosis; viral diseases -- hepatitis B and hepatitis C (these cause inflammation of the liver and damage over many years); autoimmune inflammation of the liver (the body's own immune system attacks the liver); Disorders of the drainage system of the liver (the biliary system); metabolic disorders of iron and copper (hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease respectively) each of which can deposit in the liver; medications and environmental toxins (rarely). Cirrhosis can also happen suddenly in the case of an accident if there is severe damage to the liver tissues.
It can happen continuously over many years as in the case of alcohol abuse.

Liver damage forms scars and circulation through the liver is impaired, creating congestion and functional disability. Often it is so severe that recovery is impacted. Scarring causes disruptions to the flow of blood and bile through the liver and keeps the liver from working properly. The most common symptoms include fatigue and weakness; loss of appetite, weight loss, and nausea; small, red spider-like blood vessels under the skin; yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice); redness of the palms of the hands (palmar erythema); swelling of the belly caused by fluid retention (ascites); swelling of the legs, feet, and back caused by fluid buildup (edema); breast development in males and, possibly, shrinking testicles; whole body itching (called pruritus); mental confusion (called hepatic encephalopathy), caused by a buildup in the blood of harmful toxins. Quite an amazing list infers the importance of keeping this organ healthy to insure a quality of life.

Protocols for maintaining liver health can include regular consumption of dandelion tea (whole plant), or you can make coffee with the dandelion root, if you roast it first. There are many herbs that lend a hand to helping the liver resume normal function and/or cleanse itself - dandelion, as mentioned above, milk thistle (Silymarin) is another invaluable herb, it contains some of the most potent lver-cleansing compounds available.

A regular elimination regime can rid the liver of stored toxins, cleaning out the tissues. This can be as simple as a short juice fast - giving the liver and the rest of the digestive organs a break from the daily routine allows them to repair and clean house. Elimination diets can get rather complex and specific, if needed. Some examples may include doing a 7-day liver cleanse with mostly liquid foods and water - no solids; or drinking a concoction of hot water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper several times a day. Another elimination option is colon cleansing, since constipation and lack of stimulation leads to loss of nutrients absorbed. Flushing the colon can greatly help in eliminating toxins and speed up the metabolism.

A diet with an abundance of liver-friendly foods can also be beneficial on a regular basis. This would include beets, artichokes, peas, parsnips, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, squash, yams, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chives, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, okra, onion, and parsley. Choose organically grown produce as often as possible to avoid pesticides and lighten your body’s toxic load.

Consuming plenty of fresh clean water everyday - 64 oz. is highly recommended; this provides the liver plenty of fluid to function properly.

A decent exercise regime will keep the blood flowing and fats moving through your system.

Eating less fatty foods, or at least moderation of consumption, will benefit the liver by not overwhelming it with too many lipids to process. By nature, the liver will store excess amounts of fats, congesting the organ. Eating too much sugar, dairy (mucous forming), salt, alcohol, preservatives, additives, and pesticides also cause internal congestion. It is all hard for the liver to process.

Using glandular supplementation is another holistic option for liver health. This involves actually consuming the similar organ of an animal, or in some cases concentration of an organ. Nutritional glandulars have a very long history of safe and effective use by healing professionals in most of the countries of the world. The U.S. conventional medical system has chosen to use synthetic replicas instead. The wonderful thing about glandulars is that they provide the body with the exact nutrients needed for a specific organ in a perfectly harmonious synergistic balance, in this case using liver to support the liver. Glandular supplements help in tonifying the specific organ tissues and can provide enzymes for proper cellular health. It is possible to find a glandular that is specific to the liver, and this would help in repairing any known damage to the organ.


5 HTP Supplement

5 HTP Supplement Facts - Similar Effects of Prescription Anti-Depression Drugs

As seen @ Shapefit.com

What is 5 HTP?
5 HTP (Hydroxytrytophan) is a compound that is produced from the amino acid tryptophan. This acts as a precursor to serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and melotonin (a hormone). 5 HTP is created by the body during conversion of these compounds which are involved with several brain functions - behavior, stress mechanisms, appetite control and sleep cycles, to name a few. It is a naturally occurring compound in protein food sources, but to have a therapeutic effect, higher levels are needed. Therefore supplementation is an ideal option to obtain the benefits of 5 HTP. The source of over the counter 5 HTP is from the seeds of an African plant, Griffonia simplicifolia

What Symptoms Can 5 HTP Relieve?
This supplement has been found to help reduce the symptoms of depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, Migraines. It has also been found to be helpful for people trying to lose weight due to its appetite suppression qualities.

What Are The Benefits of Taking 5 HTP?
This is becoming a very popular supplement worldwide due to the similar effects of prescription anti-depression drugs. According to natural healing principles, using any supplement can help stimulate the body's own ability to heal. This is a fundamentally different approach than the current medical ideology which places its emphasis on eliminating a patient's symptoms, not necessarily relieving the cause. 5 HTP deficiencies have been attributed to many cases of depression; so its use may indeed help those with mild to moderate depression.

5 htp supplement factsSince serotonin is involved in relaxation and mood balance and melatonin is involved with sleep cycles and appetite control, the benefits of using Hydroxytrytophan are complex.

People suffering from insomnia or any sleep disorder can benefit from this compound's ability to balance out the sleep cycle. It has been shown to reduce the time a person requires to fall asleep and can improve the quality of your sleep. This is especially significant for those suffering from insomnia, depression related sleep disorders and fibromyalgia.

Any malady regarding mood can be helped with its use; therefore people with depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADS) or Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), however mild or severe, can benefit from its use. Daily stress reduction and mood enhancement is good a possibility with the general use of 5 HTP.

People who suffer from fibromyalgia can definitely benefit from the effects of 5 HTP, simply due to the above mentioned items - since all are contributing symptoms of this ailment. This supplement has been shown to enhance serotonin synthesis, thus increasing pain tolerance and ideally a decrease in the number of painful areas and morning stiffness.

What Are The Side Effects of 5 HTP?
Because 5 HTP converts into serotonin the lack of sexual arousal and reduced sensation in the genitals is always a possible side effect. This can be avoided by taking a break in supplementation for a week at a time.

Other known side effects that may occur include nausea, stomach upset, loose stools or constipation, and headache.

Taking frequent breaks from supplementation with this nutrient can definitely avoid most known side effects, as with any potent micro-nutrient. Any long term use of a supplement should be done only under the advisement of a professional health practitioner.

5 HTP has been sold in the USA since 1994 and after more than a decade of use, there has been no known life threatening of other serious side effects attributed to the use of 5 HTP.

Who Should Not Take 5 HTP?
If you have a serious illness or are taking any medications for a serious illness, consult your physician before starting a supplement, to make sure there are no drug interactions. Also, any person taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors or MAOs (both popular prescription anti-depressants) should not take 5 HTP as there are known complications.

General Precautions With Any Supplementation
I do not suggest in any manner the reader should self diagnose in any serious case, or if your symptoms are recurring - please see your physician. This information is suggestive and offers a method of alternative therapy for several symptoms or maladies - migraines, anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia, weight loss, depression and PMS. If you have a serious illness or are taking any medications for a serious illness, consult your physician before starting a supplement, to make sure there are no drug interactions.

Product Sourcing
Any supplement user should be cautious of the source for 5 HTP, since low grade options are available, and have been cause for FDA regulations and recalls in the past. So check out your supplier's reputation through client testimonials or claims of service.

Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

Your kidneys are responsible for detoxification and purification of the blood. A very important job indeed, and a gateway to good health if they are properly taken care of. Our health depends greatly on the function of our kidneys. Congestion of some part of the urinary passage, accumulation of acids due to a faulty diet, and too little an intake of fresh water, are the main causes of a great number of kidney diseases. Retention of fluids, and soreness to touch may indicate kidney malfunction. Puffy eyes and face, or the tissues in the abdomen and legs can take place; and the back over the kidneys is often very tender in a person with kidney troubles. In severe cases the whole body can swell as the tissues become waterlogged because the kidneys are not functioning to eliminate the fluid.

In Ancient Chinese medicine the kidneys are considered the organ of your life force. The theory holds that the kidneys store the jing, or "vital essence" and are associated with reproduction and creativity. In Western medicine, the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex play a similar role, and many traditional kidney tonics support the adrenal glands as well.

If you have had kidney stones recently it would be best to concentrate your healing efforts on the detoxifying and tonifying of your kidneys. The best method for this is to drink plenty of water. Increasing fluid intake in general, reduces the amount of minerals that can build up in your kidneys that form stones, or gravel. Plus the fluids will push through any toxins that may stagnate in the kidneys; essentially helping in the process of detoxification.

If you recently had a kidney infection, you may already be on a series of antibiotics, and I would recommend including acidophilus bacterium in your diet. The medicine you are on unfortunately has the side effect of killing all the good bacteria in your system as well as the one that caused your infection. A good food source of acidophilus is yogurt; ideally with added cultures. Just be sure it is not too sugary though, as this can work against the benefits.

Some good yogurt brands that are cultured: Stoneyfield Farms, Barbara's, Horizon, Tillamook, Dannon Activa, or any brand of kefir (a more cultured yogurt.)

Another thing that is greatly needed at this juncture in your healing is more fluids - flush your kidneys out. Ideally more water should be consumed, but you can drink any of your regular drinks. Be sure to avoid heavy sugars and chemicals though, as this would actually overload your kidneys at this point. The general rule is to increase your daily fluid intake to about 1/2 oz of fluid per pound of flesh.

Detoxification is the key to overall kidney and urinary tract health. Eating berries or drinking the juice is extremely beneficial. In particular blueberries, cranberries, acai and noni berries; since they are extremely high in antioxidants. Also, cranberry has been shown to help keep the bladder and ureters acidic and inhospitable for bacteria to grow, protecting the whole urinary tract.

Here are some simple things you can do to avoid infections:

1. Urinate after intercourse - Clearing the tract of potential bacteria.

2. Get plenty of sleep - This keeps your immune system strong.

3. Try to deal with life calmly - Avoiding stress and worry when possible.

4. Take a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement - Keeping your system strong is the best way to avoid recurrent infections.

5. Keep your bowels moving - Constipation can overload the kidneys.

6. Drink plenty of fluids!

Signs that you may have a serious kidney or bladder condition:

* Pain in the lower abdomen and backsides.

* Frequent or urgent urination that is painful.

* Urine that is darker or more cloudy than usual.

In the case of any of these symptoms it is extremely important to see your physician, as an infection could be present. If left untreated, more serious conditions such as kidney stones or nephritis could occur.

Recurrent bladder, UTI and kidney infections or ailments are generally due to the loss of cellular vitality within the urinary tract. The kidneys are designed to eliminate toxins from the body, but if there are metabolic defects, bacterial activity or a build-up of ingested chemicals, dysfunction occurs. Lifestyle modifications are a great way to avoid these ailments or create a healing environment in your body.

Make a detoxification plan, adjust some lifestyle factors and create a diet and exercise regime that fits your specific needs.

Also published @ Ezinearticles.com


Iron rich foods

Iron is extremely important for basic metabolic processes and is a building block of many proteins and enzymes that maintain good health. It is an essential component of proteins involved in oxygen transport and is necessary for the regulation of cell growth. A deficiency of iron limits oxygen delivery to cells, resulting in fatigue, poor work performance, and a diminished immune system; whereas excess amounts of iron in the diet can result in toxicity and increased morbidity. Although iron supplementation is accessible, it is not advisable unless you have been diagnosed with anemia. The best and most bioavailable way to increase and maintain a good level of iron is through food sources.

The highest and most absorbable sources of iron are heme sources - meats and eggs. But if you are a vegetarian non-heme iron is available (not as absorbable) but should be eaten with a vitamin C source also to make it bio-available.

Some herbs that have a lot of iron that you can add to your diet in tea form or as a tincture mixed with juice - chickweed, catnip, burdock root, parsley, and alfalfa (in order of potency) Another wonderful iron rich herb is kelp; you can sprinkle it on rice or potatoes, mix in with your scrambled eggs or put it in soups. It is often found in the bulk spice isle of your local market in granulated form. Kelp has a wide spectrum of minerals and is extremely high in iron - (2T has all the DV of minerals for an adult! Plus it is very flavorful.


breast milk
dried beans
winter squash
sweet potatoes
meat & poultry (beef, beef & chicken liver, pork, turkey, chicken)
greens (spinach, broccoli, beet, tomato )
egg yolks
dried fruit (figs, apricots, prunes, raisins)
prune juice
grains (cooked cracked wheat, wheat germ, cornmeal, millet, brown rice, farina, bran, breads, iron fortified cereals)
blackstrap molasses (try adding a little to oatmeal, or in cookies)
brewer's yeast
shellfish (clams, oysters, shrimp)
tuna, sardines, canned salmon


Citrus fruits
Green vegetables (such as broccoli and spinach)
Fortified fruit juices with Vitamin C

Also found at my Gather site here
or published @ Ezinearticles.com


Xenoestrogenic (estrogen mimicing) material

Xenoestrogenic (estrogen mimicing) material leaches out of polycarbonate plastics, often used in food and cosmetic packaging - even tin cans are thinly lined with this plastic and they leak into their contents. Bisphenol A, (BPA), a hormone-disrupting ingredient in hard, clear polycarbonate plastic, leaches from food and beverage containers under regular use and in greater amounts with age and heat. BPA, which is found in baby bottles, sippy cups, microwave cookware and Nalgene bottles is found in all humans, and in higher levels in placental, fetal tissue and amniotic fluid. There is a slew of information out there just on this chemical. Many people are trying to ban its use, and I understand that San Francisco has recently put in an ordinance to prevent its production in the city. This is a start to a cleaner world, right?

Plastic seems to be impossible to avoid. The U.S. produces more than 1.6 million pounds of BPA annually. Here are a few tips to help out:
1. Don't microwave in plastics. Use heat-resistant glass containers, Corning Ware or ceramics to microwave all your products, even if it is "microwave safe."
2. Cover food with a paper towel rather than plastic wrap in the microwave. Never microwave baggies.
3. Even organic microwavable foods have plastic coverings. Take two minutes to remove the product from its plastic wrapping and put it in a glass or ceramic bowl before cooking.
4. Don’t drink hot liquids through a straw. Not only will you burn your tongue and throat, but the heat will pull the chemicals from the straw into your coffee.
5. Drink water out of glasses or glass bottles
6. Look for BPA free products - check the packaging, many companies are starting to change

In animals amazingly these organochlorines are stored in our fat tissue. This is appalling considering we are at the top of the food chain, creating a higher concentration in our cells because we consume the animal fat stores that we feed on. Plus the use of insecticides and herbicides, and fertilizers in this group is widely spread in this country, and many others. So unless you buy all organic, or know the source of your fruits and vegetables you can't avoid them; and unfortunately not all health conscious consumers can afford to go the organic route all of the time. These estrogen mimickers are not easily metabolized, so they stay in the body forever and accumulate daily.

See the complete Article here.


Dry Skin Brushing

It is well known that the skin is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for one-fourth of the body's detoxification each day; deeming it one of the most important elimination organs. The skin is known as the 3rd kidney in the natural health realm - rightly so.

We should pay close attention to our skin's role in our overall health, being careful of what we put on our skin, since it is all absorbed eventually. Basically what we put on our skin - chemicals, lotions, make-up, antiperspirants, and soaps should be delicately considered.

A wonderful tool to taking care of your skin is dry skin brushing.

Dry skin brushing has so many benefits - increasing vascular circulation, relieving stress, exfoliating, tonifying, eliminating cellulite, increasing cell renewal, and stimulating the lymphatic system.

To me, it is like a cellular massage for my skin. I think it is stimulating and soothing in many ways. I have been doing it for the past 3 years on a regular basis - at least 3 times a week.

I have a varicose vein that has gotten worse with each baby, and the brushing helps enormously. The strange circulation to that lower limb is not only visible, but very painful for me. In conjunction with leg lifts to increase circulation, the dry brushing is making a difference on the surface level; I can see the capillaries stressing out when I don't do it enough. I have noticeable dryness and red spots on weeks that I may forget to do the brushing. That is my clue that I have not been doing it enough, it is like my body telling me that it needs attention.

I have had a few accidents, starting at 18; so my whole adult life I have been dealing with back problems - herniated discs, torn ligaments/tendons and sciatica. So through the many different types of therapies I have tried, I had a memorable experience with a masseuse whom used a "scratch" technique; I found it fascinating. She said it was a German technique, and I remember it was a bit surprising and aggressive, but effective. She mentioned the idea behind it was to stimulate the skin and connective tissue to help it heal the underlying areas and increase the circulation to them. It made total sense to me - almost intuitive. With that same ideology, I have applied the dry brushing practice to my daily regime. I have noticed the instant stress relief and better circulation to the injured areas, resulting in less chronic pain and more productive days. It is extremely theraputic.

Overall I have been impressed with the results and I totally think it is worth all the effort to keep it up. I recommend dry skin brushing to anyone that suffers from not only my ailments, but anything relating to the skin or circulation and basic stress relief.

How to do dry skin brushing:

* Buy a long-handled natural, not synthetic, bristle brush.
* Do not wet your skin, since this can stretch it. It is most beneficial to do this after bathing, but once the skin is completely dry. This gives this skin an opportunity to relax and relieve the tension easier.
* Starting at your feet (if you have the time to do your whole body) work your way upwards. This has an enhanced healing effect, since your feet have 150,000 nerve endings collectively.
* Do light strokes over and around each part of your body focusing on points of soreness and/or areas in need of attention.
* On your abdomen do circular, counter-clockwise strokes, because this is the direction of peristaltia.
* After completing your brushing regimen, you can apply your favorite lotion or oil, you will find it is very easily absorbed! Another option is to hop back in the bath or shower for a minute to tighten the skin up a bit.
* Apply the same principles to your face, just using an all cotton washcloth instead.