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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


Beware of the flu shots you get!!

According to Natural News and many health related sources - the flu vaccines administered this last year have come with many complications because they were pushed to market - namely miscarriages and increased cases of influenza. Pregnant women, elderly and people with compromised immune systems are really the only people that "need" the yearly vaccines. Perfectly healthy people have a 50/50 chance of getting the flu with or without the shots (according to my research.)

I advise anyone thinking of getting a seasonal flu shot in particular to do some basic research. Get the published facts on the H1N1 vaccine from the CDC, but keep in mind that they work for the FDA and tend to not publish ALL the facts, only the good ones.

The real truth is not always available and you need to be your own health advocate in our busy world. Anything that is heavily marketed and related to your health should be approached with caution, since some corporation is likely to make a big profit from the sale of the product.

As with anything, natural health advocates typically favor NO intervention, but I personally think that there is a place for modern medicine in our world, but it is NOT the be-all and end- all...


I firmly believe parents that do vaccinate need to be educated as to what is being shot into their children. I personally vaccinate my children for the big diseases and shots required for public school, but I keep on top of the available literature and watch their records closely. Since not all doctors and nurses are personally attached to your child, mistakes will be made and duplicate shots can really cause some harm.

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