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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


Probiotic Friendly Yogurt

Our health depends on sustaining a balance, also known as homeostasis. There are many systems in the body that are interdependent in creating this balance. The digestive system is one system that we can control through our food intake and careful nutrition.

Through aging, exposure to drugs, stress, poor nutrition and daily life the delicate gastrointestinal flora can be deteriorated. The presence of friendly bacteria in our GI tract aids in proper digestion and nutrient absorption.

Lactobacillus and Bifodobacteria genera are particularly beneficial probiotics that can be cultured and taken as a supplement, or added to yogurts, kefirs and other cultured food products. Eating food that has ample added bacterium is a positive addition to any diet, but in particular having more than 5 cultures present is therapeutic, especially if the GI tract has been compromised.

A compromised GI tract is common in people that have inadequate water intake or high amounts of sugar or acidic foods in their diets. Another time when most people have GI upset is after the use of antibiotics, a family of drugs that are designed to kill bacteria, unfortunately this includes "good" bacteria in the gut too.

Adding a good yogurt to your diet on a regular basis can improve not only your digestive health, but boost your immune system and aid in healing any malnourishment issues that can come from an unbalanced diet.

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