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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


Color Therapy

Color therapy is a form of energy healing that combines the observation of particular colors with psychological effects they have on your well-being. Color does effect how we see the world around us, how we cope with daily stress, and our over-all mood. 

Color can be introduced into your daily life in many ways - fresh cut flowers, artwork, accent paint, jewelry, clothing or lighting.

Many of us have walked into a room that was painted in a noticeable hue like pink or green or blue and have felt some sort of calm or energy or chill. Not really making the connection with the color is normal, but scientists and decorators alike have made this observation and use it around us everyday . 

Hospitals dress the doctors in green, it is healing and positively stimulating, instilling confidence in the care provider. Waiting rooms usually have a tone of pink in the paint or decor, to calm restlessness and ease tension. Basically, color is energy, or rather a reflection of light into a particular spectrum, and light is energy. We absorb it and react to it in many ways. 

This chart provided by my alma mater, American College of Health Sciences, is a good introduction to the concept of color and its effects on mood.

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