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Why I became a Holistic Health Practitioner

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain At a young age I was dea...


Natural Pain Relief

I am a big supporter of natural pain relief. I have had my own chronic pain to deal with for many years now, actually my whole adult life.

I had a really bad hit and run accident when I was 18 - me on bike, the other guy in a BIG red truck. Needless to say the 5 herniated discs and blown out shoulder are just a few of my daily aches and pains after 20 years.

Since the accident, there were other car related incidents that re-injured and added to my list of pain to deal with.

In the years of trying to have babies, we found that I have internal scarring related to endometriosis that is quite painful and was making it very hard to have children. WE were successful and have 3 miracles now, but it was not an easy path, nor pain-free.

I have had many opportunities to take over-the-counter drugs on a regular basis, and a plethora of prescriptions given to me by sympathetic doctors. But, I don't like pills and I didn't take them, I would just deal with the pain instead. So I found myself naturally looking for alternatives over the years.

Here is a great article that touches on how to deal with pain naturally and suggests some supplements to take.


I will most likely write an article on the subject myself in the near future, so I will make a point to post it here then.

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